The aim of restorative practices is to develop community and to manage conflict and tensions by repairing harm and building relationships. It can provide a forum whereby those most directly affected by wrongdoing come together to determine what needs to be done to repair the harm and prevent a reoccurrence. It allows the act to be rejected, whilst acknowledging the intrinsic worth of the person and their potential contribution to society.

The project will look:

- For the practitioners and organisations to provide an explicit framework in relation to their practice which aims at improving relationships on the grounds of values shared by the community;

- To target challenging attitudes and behaviour ultimately aiming at addressing and repairing conflict and any harm caused.

- To provide a common vocabulary both in ethos and actions for the organisations and professionals involved in different services.

- Staff working in the target areas will be trained in restorative practices to deliver on the outcomes stated above. The particular expertise of both regions will mutually develope practice.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Seguimos difundiendo las prácticas restaurativas:

El proyecto Comenius Regio acabó el pasado 31 de julio pero el Instituto para la Convivencia y el Éxito Escolar sigue trabajando duro para difundir las prácticas restaurativas en las Islas Baleares. Varios centros educativos nos han solicitado el  "tast restaurativo" o charla de sensibilización para claustros de profesores: IES La Ribera, CEIP Sa Indiotería, CEIP Rodamilans, CC La Porciúncula, IES Josep Mª Llompart, IES Arxiduc Lluís Salvador...

Además algunos centros han solicitado al CEP de Palma proyectos de mejora de centros basados en las prácticas restaurativas: CEIP Miquel Porcel, IES Son Rullán, IES Juníper Serra.

Por si esto fuera poco, el pasado jueves 14 de noviembre empezó el primer curso de introducción a las PR (10 horas) en el CEP de Manacor en colaboración con el ICEE, los servicios sociales y la policía dePalma. La experienca se repetirá en todos los CEPs de las islas a lo largo del curso.  El próximo curso tendrá lugar en enero 2014 en Ibiza. Ya estamos trabajando en la convocatoria de formaciones de nivel más avanzado. 

Si deseais más información sobre nuestras actividades, podéis consultar nuestro facebook (www.facebook/convivexit) o nuestro twitter @convivexit.  También podéis contactar con nosotros por mail: o por teléfono: 971177547

We continue spreading the restorative practices:

The Comenius Regio project ended last July 31 but the ICEE  is working hard to spread restorative practices in the Balearic Islands. Several schools have asked the " restorative tast " for teachers : IES La Ribera , CEIP Sa Indioteria , CEIP Rodamilans , CC The Portiuncula , IES Josep Maria Llompart, IES Archiduc Lluis Salvador ...

Also some schools have asked the CEP de Palma center improvement projects based on restorative practices : CEIP Miquel Porcel , IES Son  Rullán and IES  Juníper Serra.

As if this were not enough, on Thursday November 14 began the first introductory training (10 hours) in the CEP Manacor in collaboration with the ICEE , social services and the police of Palma . This training will be offered in all CEPs of the islands along the school year. The next training will take place in January 2014 in Ibiza . We are already working in the call for more advanced trainings .

If you desire more information about our activities, please check our Facebook ( www.facebook / convivexit) or our twitter @ convivexit . You can also contact us by mail: or by phone : 971177547.