The aim of restorative practices is to develop community and to manage conflict and tensions by repairing harm and building relationships. It can provide a forum whereby those most directly affected by wrongdoing come together to determine what needs to be done to repair the harm and prevent a reoccurrence. It allows the act to be rejected, whilst acknowledging the intrinsic worth of the person and their potential contribution to society.

The project will look:

- For the practitioners and organisations to provide an explicit framework in relation to their practice which aims at improving relationships on the grounds of values shared by the community;

- To target challenging attitudes and behaviour ultimately aiming at addressing and repairing conflict and any harm caused.

- To provide a common vocabulary both in ethos and actions for the organisations and professionals involved in different services.

- Staff working in the target areas will be trained in restorative practices to deliver on the outcomes stated above. The particular expertise of both regions will mutually develope practice.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

2ª Visita a Hull (9-13 julio 2012) para sumergirnos de nuevo en las prácticas restaurativas. 

17 representantes de la Conselleria de Educación de la Comunidad Autónoma de las Islas Baleares, la Policia Local y los Servicios Sociales de Palma nos hemos desplazado de nuevo a Hull para profundizar en el día a día de las instituciones "restaurativas" de esta ciudad.  Cómo siempre que compartimos tiempo y experiencias con nuestros socios británicos  ha sido realmente interesante y provechoso. Esta segunda experiencia in situ nos ha proporcionado los elementos clave y  una mayor seguridad para la implementación en septiembre.

Nuestro profundo a agradecimiento a todos los responsables de las instituciones visitadas por su cálida acogida, su capacidad de escucha y  su paciencia: Bellfield Primary Schools, Collingwood Primary School, Clifton's Children Centre, Merlin Hous Care Home, Bridgeview Special School, Brunswick House, Humberside Police Force, The Octagon. Y muy especialmente a Jane Harris, Delores Thompson y Dave Rawding sin los cuales esta experiencia no habría sido posible.

2nd Visit to Hull (9th  to 13th July 2012) to immerse ourselves back into restorative practices.

17 representatives of the Department of Education of the Balearic Islands, the Police and Social Services in Palma have moved back to Hull to deepen in the day to day of the restorative institutions in this city. As always that we share time and experiences with our British partners it  has been really interesting and helpful. This second in situ experience has provided us the key elements and greater security for the implementation in September.

Our deepest thanks to all the heads of the institutions visited for their warm welcome, their capacity to listen and huge patience: Bellfield Primary Schools, Collingwood Primary School, Clifton's Children Centre, Merlin House Care Home, Bridgeview Special School, Brunswick House, Humberside Police Force, The Octagon. And most especially to Jane Harris, Delores Thompson and Dave Rawding without whom this experience would not have been possible.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


(Associació de professors d'anglès de les Illes Balears). 

En la página 17 encontraréis una revisión sobre las prácticas restaurativas.


(Association of English Teachers of Balearic Islands). 

On page 17, you may find a review article about restorative practices.

link to APABAL