The aim of restorative practices is to develop community and to manage conflict and tensions by repairing harm and building relationships. It can provide a forum whereby those most directly affected by wrongdoing come together to determine what needs to be done to repair the harm and prevent a reoccurrence. It allows the act to be rejected, whilst acknowledging the intrinsic worth of the person and their potential contribution to society.

The project will look:

- For the practitioners and organisations to provide an explicit framework in relation to their practice which aims at improving relationships on the grounds of values shared by the community;

- To target challenging attitudes and behaviour ultimately aiming at addressing and repairing conflict and any harm caused.

- To provide a common vocabulary both in ethos and actions for the organisations and professionals involved in different services.

- Staff working in the target areas will be trained in restorative practices to deliver on the outcomes stated above. The particular expertise of both regions will mutually develope practice.

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Smith Institute RJ Report

 Informe sobre Justicia Restaurativa del "The Smith Institute" (2007)

The Smith Institute Full Report on Restorative Justice (2007)

Restorative Conference at Hull

Congreso sobre Prácticas Restaurativas en Hull

Hull Conference 2012- A Tale of Two Restorative Cities

HCRP link

Future Justice Prize

Peace builder John Braithwaite wins Future Justice Prize
25 Sep 2012
Distinguished Professor John Braithwaite has won the 2012 Future Justice Prize for his extraordinary efforts and internationally-renowned work in the fields of justice and peacebuilding.
The Future Justice Prize is awarded to Australian individuals or organisations who demonstrate leadership and initiative in the advancement of future justice, with a focus on the legacy that those living today leave behind for future generations.
Professor Braithwaite, from the Regulatory Institutions Network (RegNet) in the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, is widely regarded as one of the world’s most influential scholars in the fields of sociology and criminology. In nominating Professor Braithwaite, fellow RegNet professor and ARC Laureate Fellow Hilary Charlesworth highlighted the immense contribution he has made to justice issues.
“Indeed, he is one of the most influential social scientists in the world from any discipline and has been described as a ‘new Durkheim’,” said Professor Charlesworth.
“Professor Braithwaite has made an extraordinary contribution to future justice through his interdisciplinary work on a wide range of issues of justice and punishment, including delinquency, white collar crime, republican theory, international business regulation, responsive governance and restorative justice. Most recently, he has been leading an ambitious multidisciplinary study on peacebuilding processes in 48 different countries, some of which have seen the worst level of violence since the 1990s.
“In 2001 he was the first scholar from the social sciences or humanities to be made an Australian Research Council Federation Fellow, the highest Australian level of recognition of excellence in scholarship. 
“John Braithwaite’s contributions to future justice through social science research have been extraordinary in both their breadth and originality. They have directly shaped the practice of criminal justice, business regulation and international peacemaking.
“John is also recognised internationally as the leading academic scholar of restorative justice, and made a paradigm-shifting theoretical addition to criminology with his 1989 book, Crime, Shame and Reintegration, now regarded as one of the most important works in the discipline over the last 50 years.
“His restorative justice ideas are widely influential in peacebuilding and have been taken up by the European Union and the United Nations,” she said.
In addition to the 2012 Future Justice Prize, Professor Braithwaite has been awarded the Kalven Prize for Lifetime Research Contributions from the Law and Society Association (the first non-American to win this prize), the 2004 Grawemeyer Award for Ideas for Improving World Order (with fellow RegNet professor Peter Drahos), the 2005 Prix Emile Durkheim of the International Society of Criminology for lifetime contributions to criminology, and the 2006 Stockholm Prize for Criminology. 
In 2008 Professor Braithwaite was awarded an honorary doctorate at the University of Leuven, noting that he is “an intellectual giant who belongs to the absolute world top, and continues to shape this very world top from day to day”.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Justicia Restaurativa

Presentación basada en el libro "Real Justice" de Ted Wachtel. Versión catalana.

Catalan presentation based on the book "Real Justice" by Ted Wachtel.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Pràcticas Restaurativas, Gestión y Organización

Nueva presentación basada en el "Manual de Prácticas Restaurativas" de Costello, Wachtel y Wachtel.

New presentation based on "The Restorative Practices Handbook by Costello, Wachtel & Wachtel.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Curso de Prácticas Restaurativas II

Next Training: "Restorative Practices for Schools, Families and Wider Communities II"

Convocatoria del II Curso de Prácticas Restaurativas en la Escuela, la Familia y la Comunidad

Dirigido a los profesionales que participan en el Proyecto Comenius Regio y que realizaron el primer curso:
  • Docentes de los centros escolares participantes
  • Policías locales de Palma de Mallorca
  • Trabajadores de Servicios Sociales del Ayuntamiento de Palma
  • Profesores de la UIB

Jean Schmitz, Director del Instituto Latino Americano de Prácticas Restaurativas

Manuel Delgado Chu, Psícólogo y formador del ILRP

Fechas:    del 30 de noviembre al 4 de diciembrede 2012
Lugar: CEP de Palma

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Material Didáctico

Presentación sobre Prácticas Restaurativas elaborada por el CEIP Es Pont. Nuestro agradecimiento a Catalina Sbert y Cristina San Juan por un gran trabajo!

Restorative Practices presentation developed by CEIP Es Pont. Our gratitude to Catalina Sbert and Cristina San Juan for a great job! 


Más materiales didácticos: en éste caso se trata de un resúmen del capítulo 2 del Manual de Prácticas restaurativas de Costello, Wachtel y Wachtel realizado por el equipo del ICEE.

More materials: in this case, it's a summary of Chapter 2 of th Restorative Practices Handbook from Costello, Wachtel and Wachtel developed by the team of the ICEE.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Premio Acción Magistral

Son Gotleu schools receive the Master Action Award

The work of teachers in the district of Son Gotleu is not easy and yesterday  it got national recognition: the schools in this neighborhood of Palma received yesterday in Madrid, at the hands of the Queen, Master Action Award promoted by the Foundation of Drug Addiction (FAD), the Spanish National Commission for UNESCO and BBVA. The project 'The neighborhood educates , let's educates the neighborhoodborn thanks to the initiative of the schools Vallseca Gabriel, Es Pont, Joan Capó  and Josep Sureda i Blanes  has been selected from more than 240 projects submitted by schools throughout the country. The prize is worth 6,000 euros for the schools and another 6,000 for the authors.


Los colegios de Son Gotleu reciben el premio Acción Magistral

La labor de los docentes del barrio de Son Gotleu no es fácil y ayer tuvo su merecido reconocimiento a nivel nacional: los centros educativos de esta barriada de Palma recibieron ayer en Madrid, de manos de la reina, el premio Acción Magistral que promueve la Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción (FAD), la Comisión Nacional Española de Cooperación con la UNESCO y BBVA. El proyecto ´El barri educa, eduquem el barri´ nace fruto de la iniciativa del colegio Gabriel Vallseca, Es Pont, el Joan Capó y el IES Josep Sureda i Blanes y ha sido seleccionado entre más de 240 proyectos presentados por centros educativos de todo el país. El premio está dotado en 6.000 euros para el centro y otros 6.000 para los autores.
Asunción Gallardo, directora del colegio Gabriel Vallseca, recibió la distinción de manos de su majestad, la reina doña Sofía, y en representación de las otros impulsores del proyecto: Catalina Vadell, Catalina Sbert, Llorenç Coll, Azucena Ibáñez y Margarita Salas Vidal; todos miembros de la Comisión Educativa de Son Gotleu El Barri Educa. Ayer recibieron la enhorabuena tanto del alcalde de Palma, Mateu Isern, como de la líder de la oposición, Aina Calvo.

Educación más allá del colegio

La iniciativa busca llevar la educación más allá de los recintos escolares, intentando implicar al barrio en la educación de los chavales y a los chavales en la transformación del barrio. El objetivo es divulgar los valores de tolerancia, convivencia, y prevención de conductas de riesgo y corresponsabilidad, que se trabajan en los centros escolares del barrio, y convertir a la población en agentes educadores y transmisores de valores.
La dedicación y entrega de la miembros de la comisión a transformar a los estudiantes y al barrio se contagia y ha logrado que todos los agentes sociales se hayan implicado mucho con el proyecto. Así, poco a poco,van consiguiendo consigan mejorar las condiciones de "igualdad, convivencia y cohesión social".  Entre otras actividades que ya han llevado a cabo, los organizadores del premio recogen la publicación de la guía de recursos y actividades del barrio; actividades de teatro; la diada reivindicativa de los escolares por el civismo y la limpieza de la barriada con los servicios de policía local y la empresa municipal  limpieza de las calles; meracadillos de libros solidarios en el Día de Sant Jordi; escuela de verano y talleres de sensibilización sobre la recogida y selección de residuos, entre otras muchas acciones.