The aim of restorative practices is to develop community and to manage conflict and tensions by repairing harm and building relationships. It can provide a forum whereby those most directly affected by wrongdoing come together to determine what needs to be done to repair the harm and prevent a reoccurrence. It allows the act to be rejected, whilst acknowledging the intrinsic worth of the person and their potential contribution to society.
The project will look:
- For the practitioners and organisations to provide an explicit framework in relation to their practice which aims at improving relationships on the grounds of values shared by the community;
- To target challenging attitudes and behaviour ultimately aiming at addressing and repairing conflict and any harm caused.
- To provide a common vocabulary both in ethos and actions for the organisations and professionals involved in different services.
- Staff working in the target areas will be trained in restorative practices to deliver on the outcomes stated above. The particular expertise of both regions will mutually develope practice.

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