The aim of restorative practices is to develop community and to manage conflict and tensions by repairing harm and building relationships. It can provide a forum whereby those most directly affected by wrongdoing come together to determine what needs to be done to repair the harm and prevent a reoccurrence. It allows the act to be rejected, whilst acknowledging the intrinsic worth of the person and their potential contribution to society.

The project will look:

- For the practitioners and organisations to provide an explicit framework in relation to their practice which aims at improving relationships on the grounds of values shared by the community;

- To target challenging attitudes and behaviour ultimately aiming at addressing and repairing conflict and any harm caused.

- To provide a common vocabulary both in ethos and actions for the organisations and professionals involved in different services.

- Staff working in the target areas will be trained in restorative practices to deliver on the outcomes stated above. The particular expertise of both regions will mutually develope practice.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Congreso sobre Prácticas Restaurativas en Hull en noviembre de 2011.  3 presentaciones realizadas por algunos de nuestros socios británicos: Estelle McDonald, Mark Finnis, Jane Harris, Jason Blount y Alison Aherne.

  ¡Realmente interesantes!

Restorative Practices Conference. Hull November 2011
3 workshops presentations made by some of our british partners:  Estelle McDonald, Mark Finnis, Jane Harris, Jason Blount y Alison Aherne.

Really interesting!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Segunda visita de nuestros socios de Hull a la isla.

El pasado mes de mayo recibimos de nuevo a nuestros socios de Hull con el fin de revisar la marcha del proyecto y realizar el seguimiento de la implantación de las prácticas restaurativas en Son Gotleu. Cómo resultado de esta visita se ha elaborado el siguiente documento de reflexiones y recomendaciones con el fin de facilitar a todas las instituciones participantes la identificación de los puntos fuertes y débiles.

Second visit of our Hull partners the island.

Last May our partners came back to the island to review the project progress and track the implementation of restorative practices at Son  Gotleu. As a result of this visit , a document of  recommendations has been made in order to identify strong and weak points in each institution.

Ventana de Disciplina Social  (versión catalana)

Social Discipline Window (Catalan version)

Gaël Thyus Vieville

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Prezi sobre Círculos Restaurativos (versión en castellano)

Gaël Thyus Vieville